Wednesday, May 1, 2013

no idea

Twitter.. facebook.. blog.. insta.. keek...
I hav all dis in my internet closet... the sad thing is evrytime i post smthing, they will be a few annoying creatures will always stalk in to it....
Yeah.. i dun mind at all actually... the main problem is WHY they should make their own story behind all things i've been update?!!
Or is it all things i post are eventually n accidentally slap their face?

Ps: Dear stalker,
       i really hav no idea that juz only u who been living in dis world for all dis years.. i'm not intend to write or to post smthing bout u actually.. but i surely hav the idea y u r acting like that.. it is all becoz u did smthing bad in ur past rite.. sbb tu anda rase t'beban dgn ase b'slh tu... never mind.. sy paham...

Hope sgt dat after dis jgn la terasa for evrything i write ok..
 Sgt2 hrgai krjasama anda semua...